The Shin Splint Solution
Bauerfeind Sports Ankle Support

Shin Splints
What causes Shin Splints?

“No one’s been able to pinpoint the exact source of shin splint pain. It’s usually treated with rest, ice, compression socks or pain-killers, but none of these things fix the root of the problem.”
- Bryan Finger, Physical Therapist
It’s all in the ankle.
Physical Therapist Bryan Finger has spent over 23 years treating athletes at the high school and college level, many of them with painful shin splints. For years he was frustrated with the treatment options available which took the athletes out of training and never seemed to address the root cause of their pain. Until he discovered the Bauerfeind Sports Ankle Support.
“One of my athletes came to me with shin splints that had developed suddenly, and I found out she’d recently sprained her ankle on the same leg. We put her in the Bauerfeind Sports Ankle Support and her shin splints went away completely. I began to notice that most if not all of my athletes with shin splint pain also had laxity in their ankles, and this led me to dig deeper into the connection.”
A clinical survey of 19 athletes confirmed Bryan’s suspicions: Application of the Bauerfeind Sports Ankle Support brought the average shin splints pain level from a 7.8/10 to 1/10 almost immediately.
“Bauerfeind’s ankle brace is unique in that it’s really designed for athletes. These are low-profile and fit into running shoes,” he said. “They provide the needed support while still allowing runners to maintain full mobility and their natural gait.”
Sports Ankle Support
- Figure 8 Taping Strap more durable than a tape bandage
- 3D AirKnit Fabric for breathability made of hard-wearing material
- Stays in place during movement Intermittent compression provides stimulation & reliable stabilization
- Moisture-wicking and washable
This information is provided for general information purposes and should not be relied on as a substitute for medical advice, evaluation or care from a qualified and licensed health care provider. The information contained here is not to be considered a plan of care of physical therapy.